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The Shadowy Figure

I've been challenged by my wonderful boyfriend to post to this blog everyday.  Not like a whole production number, but maybe just a quote from my weird brain or from the Internet...both acceptable.  I am not sure I am up to the challenge, but what the hell, I'll try.

My blog tonight is about the "Shadowy Figure."  If you are a close friend of mine you know what this is.  For everyone else...let me paint a picture.  It is me and two friends in my apartment.  I have not been here long...maybe a month or so.  These ladies come over after a night of fun.  We are just chilling, eating cheese nips or cheez its...not sure which...there is still a debate on this matter.  We have face timed in another friend.  We are, to say the least....a little inebriated.  We are sitting on the patio when one friend very excitedly says to "get down.  I swear I just saw someone across the pond on the 2nd floor patio staring at us."  We try to see....but she exclaims, "It is the shadowy figure trying to get us!"  There is no one there....I think.  I am not quite sure, but I'm pretty sure I would notice a shadowy figure.  Nevertheless, we are freaked out and inebriated.  We come back in and just laugh the night away regardless.

But long after they leave...I still think about the "Shadowy Figure."  I'm out on my patio one night, late, by myself, when I notice a man laying by the pond in what to me looks like a cat waiting for its prey.  You know what I mean...the way cats lay on the ground when they are ready to pounce.  I freak out.  It's the shadowy figure trying to get me....but he's not shadowy at all!  I can see him.  I sneak inside and spy on him outside my bedroom window.  It seems he is still staring....he gets up and starts walking toward the pond.  I'm thinking he sees me and am freaking out.  He then proceeds to grab his fishing pole.  Yeah...he was late night fishing.  Totally freaked out.

I tell this story because...I am soon leaving this great apartment that I have.  I have soooooooo many stories about this place.  It has truly been my home....the first home I have felt in a long time.  I am leaving it for bigger things.  I am moving into a house...with the wonderful boyfriend.  I am very excited and nervous about this...but it is what I want.  I get to make new memories and make a new home for myself and him.  So...look forward to some trips down memory lane.  It's been an adventure here and I am ready for new adventures to come.



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